Well it’s been an interesting end to the year the original motorhome we had was traded in for a better one a Hymer Tramp. Were over the moon with the Hymer, we went to the caravan show at the NEC and bought some gear for the tour a satellite TV system, some awning blinds and chairs. The once back we had all the water drained out for the forthcoming winter. I plan on taking the Tramp out for a drive every 3 week or so. I’ve been looking at Ferry crossings and it seems cheaper to go Newcastle to Amsterdam. I’ve also decided that we will tow a motorcycle so will have a tow bar fitted in January and make arrangements to collect/arrange delivery of the trailer I’ve decided on one from motolug its a collapsible one so when not in use in can be stored in the van. Will buy the bike in January, this is an interesting week as i finish work in 2 days.
So my next post will be in January with a bit of luck the tow bar will be fitted and the trailer expected. I’m planning on doing some work in the van i.e. putting in additional electric points.